
Showing posts from October, 2020

Forget Work from Home, Think Work from Holiday!

  If you too  were  look ing  forward to  work from home during  the lockdown, chances are you are  over it  by this point . Of course, the lockdown’s  rules  are  much more relaxed  now  than   t hey were   a couple of months ago but we still are in  the lockdown phase . Public transport  is yet to be  opened again  for the general population and many institutions and offices are still operating remotely.     The commute  has been eliminated  saving you from the chaos of public  transport and Indian  weather  and your morning alarms have been delayed by hours.  Market insights point towards an uptick in furniture and electronic  purchases  for  professionals to emulate their office like environment for work.  But  is anything making people appreciate WFH like they did so in the earlier months?    Social media is full of memes of the never-ending cycle of workload at home, both domestic and professional.   What initially seemed like a relaxing time has now turned into an exhausting one

From a Grateful Granddaughter to Her Loving Grandparents

  I know everyone feels the same but my grandparents have to be the best grandparents ever! Never once do I remember them refusing me anything that I asked for nor do I remem ber them chiding me for something  wrong that  I did. It was all love and some more.  For loving me unconditionally  since the moment I arrived in this world , I knew I had to do something grand for their  upcoming anniversary  that showed them that I loved  them   equally, if not more.  Gifting them an item was out of the question as they never were into shiny clothes, shoes, or the latest gizmos.  It had to be something meaningful which they would cherish all their lives. So, I decided to send them on a holiday.    I made my plans known to my mom because I wanted to be sure if they will actually go on a holiday. Mom suggested to send them  to  a  nice  resort near Mumbai  as it would be painstaking for them to travel anywhere far. And  with that ,  I be gan my search for  a  nice  family resort in  Alibaug  as d